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Accueil > Mots-clés > Intervenants > Frédéric Boyer

Frédéric Boyer

Frédéric Boyer Member of the Covenant of Mayors Office. _ He is particularly in charge of the work with Supporting Structures and Benchmarks of Excellence, thus ensuring a broader support for the Covenant signatories _ The Covenant of Mayors Office is composed of the following partners : Energy Cities, Climate Alliance, Council of European Municipalities and Regions, EUROCITIES, F.E.D.A.R.E.N.E., Pracsis. Frédéric works for Energy Cities, a European Cities Network promoting Energy Efficiency, leading the Consortium managing the Covenant of Mayors on behalf of the European Commission, DG ENER. Based in Brussels, he is in charge within of the representation of Energy Cities at the European institutions and organizations in order to increase the influence of the network. Frédéric is graduated in Environmental Engineering. After having spent 4 years at the Assembly of French County Councils where he was in charge of the international and decentralised cooperation, Frédéric was in mission in Sofia (BG) for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In link with the National Association of Municipalities of the Republic of Bulgaria, he has developed French-Bulgarian twinnings and decentralised cooperation. He had already been able to work in the same field during a previous 2-years mission in Romania. For any queries concerning the Covenant of Mayors : _ frederic.boyer@eumayors.eu

